Come and meet the cutest breed of sheep!
Our Valais Blacknose Sheep arrived at Attwell Farm Park in 2019, starting with just two ewes. Since then, our flock has grown to over 20, making them a true farm favourite! Known as the 'teddy bear' sheep, they are the most loving and gentle animals you’ll ever meet. Visitors adore their friendly nature, and they’re always happy to come over for a fuss!
🏡 Paddock Walk – Our Valais Blacknose Sheep can be found in the paddocks along the Paddock Walk, happily grazing and lounging in the sunshine. They love attention, so don’t be surprised if they wander over to say hello!
🐑 Lambing Season – During lambing season, our Valais Blacknose ewes join the rest of our flock in the lambing barn, where visitors can witness the magic of new life on the farm! It’s a special time of year when you might even get to see a lamb being born.
These sheep are one of the cuddliest breeds around, and they love human interaction. If you’re lucky, one might nuzzle up to you for a gentle head scratch!
🐑 The Cutest Sheep in the World? – With their fluffy white wool and striking black faces, Valais Blacknose Sheep are often called the cutest sheep on the planet!
🐑 Swiss Origins! – This breed comes from the Swiss Alps, where they are bred for their thick, weather-resistant wool.
🐑 Incredibly Friendly! – Unlike some sheep breeds that are shy, Valais Blacknose are naturally social and love human interaction.
🐑 Fluffy But Hardy! – Their woolly coats keep them warm in cold mountain conditions, but they also adapt well to the UK climate.
🐑 Fast-Growing Flock! – Valais Blacknose Sheep are excellent mothers, and their numbers can grow quickly—just like our flock has since 2019!
🐑 Woolly Giants! – Although they look like big balls of fluff, they can weigh up to 125kg (almost 20 stone)!