Ducks on our duck pond

At Attwell farm we have over 30 ducks and 4 geese on our duck pond

The Duck Pond Info

Ducks on our duck pond

Our duck pond is home to over 30 ducks and four geese, creating a lively and entertaining space at the farm! When we first opened in 2017, we started with just a few ducks of each breed, but over the years, our flock has grown. Each spring, we collect their eggs and carefully incubate them in our petting barn, where visitors might even catch a glimpse of a duckling hatching! Watching them grow from tiny, fluffy ducklings into full-grown ducks is a favourite part of farm life, and they love to splash around, waddle up to visitors, and quack away during feeding time.

About Our Duck Breeds:

πŸ¦† Silver Appleyard – A rare, beautiful breed known for its friendly nature and striking plumage. Originally bred in England, they are excellent foragers and love dabbling in the water.

πŸ¦† Aylesbury – Famous for their bright white feathers and pink bills, Aylesburys are a traditional British breed that dates back hundreds of years. They’re known for being calm and docile, making them great additions to the farm.

πŸ¦† Cherry Valley – A popular breed in the UK, Cherry Valley ducks are energetic and social. They are fantastic layers, producing lots of eggs, which is perfect for our incubation process!

Fun facts!

β€’    A male duck is called a drake, a female duck a hen, and a baby duck a duckling.

β€’    Left to their own devices, ducks will eat plants, seeds, insects, worms, snails, and even crustaceans.

β€’    The smallest Species weighs no more than 0.5 pounds (0.2 kilograms) while the Largest weighs up to 49 pounds (22.5 kilograms).

β€’    Ducks are curious and friendly creatures they have been domesticated as pets and farm animals for more than 500 years. All domestic ducks are descended from either the Mallard or the Muscovy duck.